Welcome to the SMPH shared resources and affiliates website!

Image of microscope for the microscope linkSMPH supports 30+ diverse shared resources and affiliates to advance research and scholarship.

This website is a repository of  information describing in detail SMPH shared resources and affiliates and the services available for intramural and extramural use. Each shared resource lists specific instrumentation, technologies, consultation services, and other services that scientific and clinical investigators have access to.

Our future goal is for this site to be available to external customers to provide access to our service core infrastructure and to specialized services.

6 Shared Resources chosen for Funding in Round 3 of the RCRP

The Research Core Revitalization Program (RCRP) is the third round of an initiative to strengthen campus research core capacities by supporting the upgrade, replacement or duplication of heavily used shared research resources. Shared instruments, equipment and other resources play a critical role in research across the university and typically have a limited lifespan.

Although essential and highly used, these critical resources are not generally eligible or competitive for federal and other external grant programs targeting new capabilities and technologies. Researchers across campus depend on the shared resources managed by cores, and investment in renewing these capabilities ensures the continuity and productivity of our research enterprise.

Here are 6 projects that may interest you that were chosen for funding in Round 3 of the RCRP (2024):

Cancer Informatics Shared Resource (CISR):

Replacement of Computational Infrastructure

BRMS Animal Facilities and Husbandry (BRMS AF&H):

Upgrades to Cage Washing Equipment

November 2023 Shared Resources Survey

In November of 2023, a survey was sent out via email to 4,216 SMPH staff and investigators.  The purpose of the survey was to provide critical information regarding the quality and cost-effectiveness of the services provided by our Shared Resources. See the results from this survey to the right.

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Highlights from our shared resources!

CENP-E inhibition induces chromosomal instability and synergizes with diverse microtubule-targeting agents in breast cancer.

John B Tucker, Caleb L Carlsen, Christina M Scribano, Srishrika M Pattaswamy, Mark E Burkard, Beth A Weaver.

SMPH UW Carbone Cancer Center

Genetic Testing Utilization: Discrepancies Between Somatic and Germline Results in Patients With Cancer Reviewed at the UW Health Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board.

Isaac P Horn, Anna L Zakas, Kelcy J Smith-Simmer, Laura E Birkeland, Rachel Sundstrom, Mark E Burkard, Jennifer M Weiss.

Precision Medicine Molecular Tumor Board (PMMTB)

Targeting DNMT3A-mediated oxidative phosphorylation to overcome ibrutinib resistance in mantle cell lymphoma.

Nguyet-Minh Hoang, Yunxia Liu, Paul D Bates, Alexa R Heaton, Angelica F Lopez , Peng Liu, Fen Zhu, Ruoyu Chen, Apoorv Kondapelli, Xiyu Zhang, Paul E Selberg, Vu N Ngo, Melissa C Skala, Christian M Capitini, Lixin Rui.

 SMPH UW Carbone Cancer Center Flow Cytometry Laboratory

List of SMPH Shared Resources

Please click on the name of the shared resource for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

** after the name of a resource is only for Cancer Center researchers

Please consider acknowledging the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health (SMPH) Shared Resources in manuscripts and publications that include any work supported by our professional staff and dedicated space.